Day 1 – Setting Expectations and Sharing Stories

Welcome and Introduction (10 minutes)
Welcome participants and express excitement about the beginning of the Virtual Interactive Workshop Series.
Emphasize the importance of creating a supportive and respectful virtual space.

Expectations Setting Session (10 minutes)
Discuss the expectations for virtual meetings:
Respect and Confidentiality: Emphasize the principles of respect and confidentiality within the NA community, ensuring a safe space for sharing.
Active Participation: Encourage active participation, listening, and engagement in group activities.
Tech Guidelines: Provide a brief overview of technical guidelines to ensure a smooth virtual experience.

Sharing Stories if additional time killer needed
Open the floor for participants to share brief stories about their recovery journey.
Encourage a positive and supportive atmosphere during the sharing session.
Limit each participant to a few minutes to allow everyone an opportunity.

Hopes and Expectations (15 minutes)
Facilitate a discussion on participants' hopes and expectations for the virtual meetings.
Encourage individuals to express what they would like to gain from the workshop series.
Foster a sense of community by acknowledging shared goals and aspirations.

Creative Expression Activity (15 minutes)
Introduce a creative expression activity related to expressing hopes and goals.
This could include creating vision boards, writing letters to oneself about recovery goals, or any other creative outlet.
Allow participants to share their creations or thoughts if they feel comfortable.

Closing Remarks and Next Session Preview (10 minutes)
Summarize key expectations discussed during the session.
Express gratitude for those who shared their stories and aspirations.
Provide a brief preview of the next day's workshop theme.
Encourage participants to actively participate in future sessions.

General Expectations for Future Meetings:
Interactive Workshops: Each session will include interactive workshops or activities focused on personal growth and recovery.
Respectful Participation: Participants are encouraged to actively engage in discussions, respecting each other's viewpoints and experiences.
Confidentiality: Emphasize the importance of maintaining confidentiality within the virtual NA community.
Tech Guidelines: Remind participants of technical guidelines to ensure a smooth virtual experience.
Creative Expression: Regularly incorporate creative expression activities to encourage self-reflection and personal growth.

Plan places a strong emphasis on setting expectations for the virtual meetings, providing an opportunity for participants to share their stories and express their hopes for the workshop series. Adjust the activities based on the preferences and dynamics of your virtual NA group.